Legal Disclaimer

This website provides general guidance on health-related topics. While we strive to source our information from reputable channels, Breeze Dental does not claim responsibility for inaccuracies, mistakes, or the consequences arising from the use of this information.

The content on this site is delivered "as is," without any assurances of being comprehensive, accurate, or current. We do not provide any guarantees, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, guarantees of effectiveness, saleability, and suitability for a specific purpose.

Breeze Dental, along with its associated partners or corporations, as well as their partners, agents, or employees, will not be held accountable for any decisions or actions taken based on the information provided on this site. This includes any indirect, special, or similar damages, even if the possibility of such damages has been suggested.

This site may include links to external websites operated by third parties, over which Breeze Dental has no control. We do not endorse or validate the accuracy or any other attribute of the information on these external websites.

Effective Date: January 2024